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Pediatric Dentistry (formerly Pedodontics/Paedodontics) is the branch of dentistry that deals with the oral health of children from infancy through adolescence. All pediatric dental procedures, including curative and preventive dental procedures such as sealant treatment, topical fluoride application, etc. are carried out at Novadent.

Types of Pedodontics treatments:

  • Tooth Extractions

If your child having seriously decayed teeth or a tooth that preventing orthodontic treatment, Our Dentists may recommend a tooth extraction for your child.

  • Dental Crowns

To restore the strength and size and to protect your child’s teeth our dentists may place a dental crown over your child’s teeth.

  • Dental Space Maintainers

If your child loses a baby tooth early, our dentists may use a space maintainer to keep the space open for the permanent tooth to grows up.